Here is the recording you all helped to create! Well done!
Music lesson for year 6 classes in school. This lesson could also be used by children in year 3, 4, 5 or 6 who are learning at home.
Year 6 lesson for classes in school
For year 6 classes in school. Children in years 3, 4 and 5 may like to have a go at the rhythm warm up in this video.
No matter where we go - Complete song with lyrics
No matter where you go - Rehearsal
Vocal warm up exercises
Make a musical instrument at home. For years 3, 4 and 5
Video to support English work for WB 18.05.20
This video is for English WB 04.05.20 Task 2
This video is for English WB 04.05.20 Task 4
A wonderful video that the children in Beech class made for me to watch during school closure. It really brightened up my day. I miss you all too! Thank you!
Mrs Bennett has been inspired by Mrs Hemmen's enthusiasm for skipping. Can you too practise your skipping skills?
Mrs Bennett tells you all about our new topic for this term and the home learning for the coming week.
Mrs Bennett has taken up Mrs Hornby's challenge and is trying to improve her bat and ball skills. Can you do the same?
Her World War 2 memories as an 8-year-old child
... unless you want to find out more!