Our younger pupil sin Years 1, 2 and 3 recorded this hymn as part of the virtual 'Choir for the Queen' organised by St. Paul's Cathedral as part of their celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
Our younger pupil sin Years 1, 2 and 3 recorded the National Anthem as part of the virtual 'Choir for the Queen' organised by St. Paul's Cathedral as part of their celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
Our 'Living Nativity' celebration with Ark Farm. The children enjoyed journeying around the school - listening to the Christmas story, singing carols and dressing up as the Nativity characters. A truly magical way to celebrate the Nativity this year.
A video tour to give you an insight our school.
Our school orchestra have worked extremely hard to practise and record their part for this amazing virtual orchestra performance. Thank you to Mrs Mo and Mrs Hemmens for their hard work in making this possible for our children and to our brilliant musicians who took part - well done to all of you.
The children were invited to join in as a virtual choir to perform this beautiful song 'Angel Light'. Children from Years 2 to 6 have been busy practising and recording their singing. Mrs Mo has put all of our children's contributions into this one virtual choir - I think you will all agree what an amazing performance they have produced and what a truly magical song for Christmas. Thank you to all of those involved.